Fantasy Submissions Guidelines
[OPEN] Harvest of Light & Shadows
Open for Submissions: Until July 16th, 2024
Story Length: About 6,000 words
Theme: Anything fantasy with the theme of Harvest (fall) and light and shadows
Payment: $25 and discounts on print copies
How to submit:
Send story as a .doc or .docx to submissions.burningbranch[at]gmail[dot]com. Include a brief cover letter in the body of the email. (Please do not summarize your story in the cover letter.)
Burning Branch Publishing is currently focusing on publishing stories that create humor, hope, and is focusing to spread light in the darkness. We want stories that hit the feels and stay at the top of readers’ minds even after the last page is turned––stories that, no matter the genre, spread hope and life. Make sure to follow our submission guidelines so you don’t miss something important. Pieces that don’t follow this information have a higher chance being cut.
CURRENT THEME: Anything fantasy with the theme of Harvest (fall) and light and shadows
Your Story:
Your well-edited story must be close to 6,000 words long.
We only accept stories that fit our current theme.
Make sure your story has a strong hook!
Make sure we care about your characters.
Steam level: closed door
Previously published short fiction.
Fan fiction. Stories must unique to you.
Collaborative work with other authors, meaning, You must be the sole author of your story.
Scenes/excerpts/synopses from novels (however, you can use existing characters from your own novels).
Excessive violence, profanity, or erotica in any form.
If there is romance in your fantasy, make sure it's closed-door romance.
We also don’t want our stories to preach from a soapbox (whether political, religious, or otherwise.) There may be a hint of these themes throughout your story, just as long as it doesn’t come off pushy.
Manuscript & Email Formatting Guidelines:
Your name (as you would like it to appear in print)
Your real name (if different)
Your contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address)
The title of your story
The word count (for the story only, excluding the title, your name, and your contact information)
The body of your story should be: Double-spaced (no space between paragraphs)
File Name: Name your story file (.doc or .docx) as follows –
<your last name>-<story title>-<monthly theme>.doc
Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions
You may submit more than one story to us at a time, but each document must be submitted separately.
We will have the submissions guidelines up until July 16th and then we will review and acquire submitted stories continuously until we acquire all the stories. Our editors will then start sending out acceptance and rejection emails.
Thank you for your interest in our travel mishaps that turn to love anthology at Burning Branch Publishing. If you have additional questions, you may email submissionsburningbranch@gmail.com
Devin Joubert
Burning Branch Publishing